Engine cap/oil drain plug (screw top). This is a very common profile and is used for (but not limited to) many big brand and lesser brand name machines from all over the world. Common format for many machines in the 250cc range. Most commonly used for (but not limited to) 250cc ATVs such as the Jianshe JS250 Mountain Lion and Baja Wilderness Trail 250 (WD250-U) ATV as well as many other clones, rebrands and similar displacement machines.
Common Jianshe model name is primarily listed as "Jianshe JS250ATV", "Jianshe 250cc ATV" and "Jianshe 250cc Mountain Lion". Common listed Jianshe JS250 oil drain cap and screw / plug part number is FG-600201-0 and listed as "Oil drain plug screw" in their parts lists. Also applies to some variations of Jianshe 250cc Go karts, buggies, UTVs and other products.
Manufacturer Part Number:
- FG-600201-0